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Cute little demo with a simple and sweet story. I look forward to the finished game, but in it's current state it also has a few hard to ignore issues.


  • The concept is unique, trauma cleaners aren't often explored and the nature of the profession provides for some interesting directions you could take a game.
  • It was interesting looking into Adam's life through his belongings.
  • I like how what you choose to give his sister at the end actually completely changes what she thinks of the circumstances surrounding his death and how you can make her impression of what happened more or less accurate. He felt pressured and was grieving, wanting to honour his father and driving himself of the edge because of it. Meanwhile, I gave her the trophy and his plans for the sequel to his game in one of my runs, which leads her to believe he lost himself chasing fame.
  • The art style of the game is cute, I especially like the almost dreamy imagery of meeting the sister at the end.


  • The walk speed is agonisingly slow.
  • The auto progressing intro text goes by way too fast to read it completely, I hope in future the text speed can be adjusted and/or switched to manual progression like it is in the rest of the game.
  • The camera angles were annoying to work with. If you zoom in and walk as low as you can, half of the screen is empty black space and if you walk as high as you can the upper half of the wall is not visible because the player character is also noticeably uncentred and placed towards the top of the screen. It wouldn't be an issue playing the game on a large screen, but I would prefer to have the camera be placed higher for better visibility. I'm also not a fan of "snapping" style rotation because it limits the control.
  • It's a little tedious having to pick up every small item individually like the paper balls and stacks of ramen pots. I'd prefer if tiny things like clusters of paper or bottles counted as one item all together and picking up an item in a stack, or at the bottom of a stack, got rid of the whole thing, like how the piles of dirty dishes work.
  • The range at which you can pick items up is a little finnicky, especially with the aforementioned paper balls. I was practically right on top of one at one point and couldn't pick it up. It felt like I had to get further away from some things to be able to grab them.
  • I noticed in the item descriptions when you clicked on them in the inventory that one or more seemed to cut off before finishing, or read awkwardly like there was meant to be more said but there wasn't. There are also minor issues like spelling and grammar mistakes dotted throughout all of the game's text, but those can be attributed to the game not yet being complete, and so I do not count them as real marks against the game.
  • I wish the 3 item limit was more explicitly clear. It wasn't hard to figure out, but the "family box" section doesn't need to be so large if there are only 3 things you can put in. You could also use slots in the family box to make it more clear.

Suggestions/Things I may have done differently:

[These are not necessarily criticisms of the game, just other ideas]

  • While I understand it and there's nothing actually wrong with it, I do not think the 3 item limit on what you can put in the family box is necessary to achieve the outcomes intended, since the player is choosing what to include and omit regardless. Personally, since the family only gets one box, I would have made the limit based on item size. A lot of what you can give Adam's sister are things that don't take up much space like books, posters, pictures, etc., but there are also the large consoles and trophy, yet since the limit is amount of items and not size, giving her something like the 2 biggest consoles and the trophy is seen as the exact same as giving her 3 pieces of paper. It feels a little more realistic and still provides limitations to work in if the box can only hold a certain amount of items based on size instead of number, and the player still isn't required to fill the box and gets to chose what is most important for the family to have.
  • There are comments in the game about cleaning the carpet and the tv stand is visibly dirty. I'd love if you could actually clean these things up.
  • I'd add an incentive to clean the room more instead of just grabbing the significant items and getting out. Like, since you are running a business here, cleaning more earns you more money that you can use for... something. That's your problem to figure out lmao.
  • It would be cool if what you gave the family affected the scenery after they look in the box. Adam's sister's reaction varies greatly depending on what you give her, it would be an interesting artistic choice if it affected the surroundings visually after that flash of light too.
(2 edits)

Cool concept! :O


I hope there's a scoring system or something that also prompted me to keep cleaning (picking up the trash) instead of just personal items to give to the family.


  • The text at the start of the game was a bit too fast for me. I hope I could control the speed or something.
  • I didn't know I could walk until I couldn't pick some things up. I also didn't know I could rotate the room. Didn't read the manual btw
  • Some things wasn't white-outlined on hover, but could be picked up anyway. Wondering why this happens
  • The dialogue box for furnitures... why? I thought there'd be a story or extra action for each (e.g. use some handkerchief to wipe the table, etc).
  • I was wondering if there's a story behind each personal item I picked up. Turns out there is, but I just needed to go to inventory. I only knew this when I finished cleaning and it prompted me to choose items to give to the family (whose max. value wasn't explicitly stated btw)

Looking forward to the release!


I loved the demo for this! Such a beautiful and emotional game. Can't wait for the full release <3


Observations as of 29/7/24: 

  • I wasn't able to read the text at the start of the game as it disappears to fast, a 'click for next' would help us slow readers; 
  • Walking is so, so, painfully slow
  • some objects that can be picked up do not get the bold white outline when hovered over; 
  • dialogue box for objects that can't be picked up can be annoying; 
  • Cool gimmick, but I don't see much of a point of being able to rotate in 3d the items in the inventory, seems like a 'front and back' may be enough.

Also some people are talking about endings, not sure what do they mean as I grabbed everything that could be picked up and.. that was it, all I could do after that was slowly walk in an almost empty room. Unlike the screenshot shown in this page, my inventory took the whole screen and I had no "Adam's family box".

Being able to rotate the camera in this art style took me by surprise, very cool.

After you have collected all items, walk to the door and click on it. There will be an "I have finished cleaning" option (or something along those lines) where you can proceed


Hey, just saw a nice mini review of your game at one of Germans biggest Gaming Media Site.

Is there any Chance i can help you People to get a German Translation? I would help for free. Just contact me if you like.

(1 edit)


a brazilian streamer I like played it yesterday and I enjoyed the game very much! the artstyle was love at first sight and it's very polished and pleasing to look at, I loved the imputs of the player at things we found, slowly getting to know the guy who passed and oh god the ending with his sister almost made me cry fr, it was so touching!!!! the entire game even just going thru his belongings made me so soft hearted and sad, like it was a real person who had passed. and he's so complex too, with the whole grief and want to do something to honour his dad aaaaaaa. it's so good!!!! it feels like a demo of a bigger game, though it doesn't say such anywhere I've seen. I hope you plan on expanding this concept (if you'd want to, ofc!) because it is very promissing in my opinion. thank you for the masterpiece!!! btw if you wanna check the vod out, the youtube channel "lives do dreas" will eventually post the cut of the gameplay! it's in portuguese though...

edit: someone mentioned before me and it reminded me, the text before the email giving an context of the character you are goes by too quick even for english speakers, it'd be nice if every screen needed a click for the next to show! not only for english speakers to read, but to streamers of other languages to have their time translating the intro :3

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