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My windows 10 gave me a warning when i tried to execute the game, saying it`s not secure

Hello, I really liked it. Is it just a demo? where can I find the full game?


First, English is not my first language and I will rely on my girlfriend (love you, dengo) and maybe a translator to write this, I'm sorry for possible mistakes or something!

I created a account just do write u a review because Homecoming Heaven it's a sensational project and has everything to be a wonderful and unforgettable game, I love playing despite it's a little short and I don't get much about the history (but this it's much about me, anxious and "impatience"). 

Everything in this demo is comfortable and beauty beside the history, the ambient captive and incite for more everything - items, rooms, characters, history about the player, maybe a ghost - u don't have stop the play! 

 But, of course, a traduction for Português (pt-br preferably) gave on the HH more visibility, cause BR community is a very warm and supporter, besides have streamers famous who would love play.

I love the demo, gameplay, controls, literally every single detail and I would not wait for updates!

Have nice days, amazing work and a beautiful and a colorful life.

Hello! It was such a cute and cozy little experience. I also managed to find multiple endings! :D I explained the game and how to get different endings through this short, hope you enjoy the narration <3


I love the demo of this so far. my biggest complaint, which isn't all that big, is that the text in the beginning scrolls a little fast. but so far it's wonderful environmental story telling, i replayed a couple times to see different responses to different pieces given to the sister. it's real touching and i cannot Wait for a maybe full game soon!

(1 edit)

I love the start of the game, its a great start, I have a few complaints about the mechanics of the game, but the game itself has an interesting and meaningful story.

The issues I saw with the mechanics, 1 the intro story scrolls by to the end of the intro without clicking anything, the text scroll speed is too fast so I was only able to get the gist of what it was saying, I restarted the game 3 times trying to read it and then gave up.

2 there is no indication of the controls for the game, I didn't know I could walk till I saw the video in the comments here.  [edit](I don't tend to read overviews on because Ive seen a few games where the overview gives away the whole game)

3 there was a paper ball under the desk that I literally could not grab, it was between the chair and the table and whenever I tried to click it, it would click on either the chair or table [I likely can grab it if I rotate the camera, I just didn't realize I can do that]

I'm aware the game is still being made and I hope the feedback helps with its production. Its a beautiful environment and the attention to detail in the art, in the items in the rooms.


How the girls reaction changes depending on what you give her, she gets a different story about the end of his life from the different items you give her. I love that you can give her three things, so you have to choose carefully. I am wondering what happens to the more expensive things you don't give to her. Does the rest go to the family later? I'm very curious. 

I hope the game does well, I found a video about it today on Instagram, I hope that post gets a lot of people donating and trying the game.


Its a great game and I hope for future updates in which there is more than room. The environment it beautiful and although not blatant there is definitely story behind the room. The person was a Game creator who spent all his time inside, chronically online. He ate lots of instant food and had lots of gaming devices. He was also successful as he has a game of the year award. But you can see than in his final days he was struggling to find ideas, as seen by the balled up paper next to his desk. And thought the sister talks about how he abandoned his family, the photo of him and his dad sits Infront of his bed, showing that he truly does care about them still. Its a sad game, but it makes you think about how people go through life in different ways and how valuable it is to be blessed with life. I gave her the photo, the game award, and the Gameboy. The photo show how despite abandoning his family he stilled loved them. I chose the Game Award because it was most likely his most prideful achievement. Lastly, I chose the game boy because due to it being on his bed, I believe it was his favorite thing to play on. I truly hope this game gets updates, it is a nice art style, great environmental storytelling, and touching plot.

Thank you for such a sweet game.


It looks great, I love the environments


it's such a nice game! I want to see more of this ^^


Dunno why but the soundtrack hits hard.. it's kinda has a sad feeling. I liked it, very cute game. 


hey just wanted to let people know someone made a page that looks exactly like this claiming to be the multiplayer version but is actually a virus the creators name is cxrsedd please report every game they have up as they are all viruses so they can be taken down faster 


Good cozy game and I do hope that this game will come to market. I would play it the hack out of it. 

However there are some challenges in this game:

The pick up mechanic have no indicator.

Too far cant pick up and not picking up certain items.

How many items left I have to pick up. 

How many item I can pass to the family

The movement pace might need to be a bit quicker

I wish you guys all the best. Will buy on day one

I agree with you (Y)


I personally loved the concept of the game, the story and the art.

A few recommendations would be for the family belonging interface on how many it can include. ( kinda like a box with tiles that you could arrange the items into a certain formation to fit as much as you want or can )

another would be for the main menu button to have a confirmation interface when clicked as at the moment when clicked accidentally will forcefully make the player restart.

lastly, this is more of personal preference, but the inventory interface could include more minimal animations, instead of having them all rotate (since you can already rotate the item when inspecting it).

Overall, I'm really looking forward to playing the full game!

I played through the game twice, based on the girls reaction each time I think the 3 item rule is intended, you're supposed to give her the items you think would be the most meaningful. 

The first time I gave her the shoes, the clothes, and the PlayStation. The second time I gave her the award, the picture with his dad, and the diary. She had a different reaction, there was more expansion in the story when you give her more meaningful items. I'm gonna play again so I can see the reactions to other items.


say hwat now haven


I really liked the game and its concept. I enjoyed the art and the way the game behaves. I hope you continue to create a broader story with some levels. However, I prefer a story format instead of just levels that become difficult. Overall, I liked it a lot.


Great idea for the game. Love the art style.

I would recommend slowing down the text at the start as I couldn't read it fast enough before it was gone.

Love this though, I hope that this is something that will become a full game in the future!


Cannot wait until the full piece is released. I had a friend who left us by his own choice a month and a half ago and this game was super therapeutic. 

Usually, I delete games after I play them through and redownload them if I want to play again, but this one is staying on my computer. It is the best representation I have seen to losing someone to that kind of thing.

 Thank you so so much for creating this. I hope only good things come to you and if you have lost your own friends or family, I wish you healing. 

This game is just beautiful, so heartwarming x

Sounds like a very heartwarming game. I really like the visuals as well.

sounds adorable and sweet <3 



The game got released here few month ago, what makes you think it might be abandoned? Game dev is nothing to rush … give the devs their time! :D


no, the creator post game art regularly on their reddit


This game was a lot of fun, it was cute and a good relaxing game to play
, but still kept its heavy undertone of why you’re there intact and I definitely recommend the playthrough of this game. Keep it up! 

Enjoyed it a lot! I think its a bittersweet take on telling the story of someone who's passed and what/who they left behind. 

I do recommend though, to make the beginning prologue text a bitt slower as it went by on auto too fast which makes it a bit inaccessible and I wasn't able to read all of it. Or at least have a action to continue based ending to each block of dialogue! Besides that, this game was lovely and pretty easy to learn how to play. I think there's a lot that could be done with this.

I was under the assumption there would be more from the description, so if you could list that its just one room for now, that'd be nice (if there is more to come :3)! Anyways, wonderful work! Good luck on your future endeavors!! 

looking forward to trying this out! but thought i was tripping cus i just played a different style game but similar abandonment vibes called "homecoming haven" as well (about a abandoned animal crossing type game file), genuine question but is this a common phrase? or mere coincidence? pretty cool either way!

A short but wholesome game about cleaning the homes of loved ones who have passed away.  I enjoyed how the story unfolded through the environment as we cleaned the apartment. 

(2 edits) (-2)

There used to be a website with haven in its name that made people home coming a lot too, lol

Will you publish this game on Android? I would like to play it.


amazing game, mate! we surely need more levels

j'ai voulu lancé le jeu mais il était infecté


Very beautiful game! I hope more rooms will be added.

This was such a nice game. I hope companies like this really do exist. The game was beautifully designed and would be amazing as a longer game with a bit more story. Great work and keep it up.

I made a video on your game if anyone wants to see it: 


After looking through the comments, I have to wholeheartedly disagree with the statements of unreachable items. Everything is reachable, and the game is beautifully designed might I add. The music fits right in with the theme of the game: solemn, but relaxing. My emotions were right in tune with the cleaner when concerning the victim and his untimely death. I wish that the game in the future may be further developed to include more stories because I thoroughly relished it. 


I am sobbign VIOLENALTY such a good game,,,,, has so so so much potential! I would be enthused to see this as a full game. My suggestions are the same as some of the other comments, some trash is unreachable, slow down text, more than three items given to the family, and there were a few items with placeholder text.

It's the first of the 3 games I played. Would love to see a fully formed game with multiple stories, but wish there was more detail in the story you unravel

I think this is a beautiful game, with nice graphics and music. And the idea behind it is fantastic. I liked sifting through the items and trying to discover what was important to this person.

I did, however, have concerns. And this is probably because I used to work doing something similar. I worked in storage, and often things were left in a unit that went to auction. At that time we had to return specific types of items to the owner. And sometimes the owner would pass away and we would have to return everything to the next of kin. What is important to me isn't the same as what's important to them, so only being able to give three things to the next of kin was horrible. The game diaries, the diary, the award, and all of the "personal effects" should have been given to the family. I also felt bad about not giving them the expensive items like game consoles, or the PC with all the personal data on it. The expensive items could have been explained by saying they only want the personal effects, and the cleaner can take the other stuff to sell or something (that's what happens when a unit goes to auction after all). But I know I'd be upset if all my writing, or art just went into the trash without my family getting a chance to at least see it.

A couple of things I would also have liked... the ability to just chuck the trash in a trash can and have one trash bag at the end. And straightening the items, or cleaning them, if I am not removing them from the room. The bed should have been stripped of linen, the table and chairs straight, the floor mats straight, and every surface clean if my job is to CLEAN the place. It felt unfinished. Also a small quality of life thing at the end, some indication that you are supposed to move once you're under the lamp post because I thought it was a loading screen there for a minute. 

Overall a great game, and I would love to play it if there were more houses to clean, and stories to explore. 


Played the game, it really does have a great story told subtly. Here's my thoughts:


+ The simple game play gives lots of space to show narrative;

+ Enjoyable size for the simplicity, its an experience;

+ The mix of 3d and 2D sprite work is well combined (especially the shadow work in room from character);

+ Graphics and music make for a genuinely relaxed but engrossing game/experience.


* Extra Stories that sit over an under-arching protagonists plot;

* Give the text lines more time to sit, will catch more info then;

* Increase the WASD movement just slightly for better pacing.

Thanks for the experience.

I really love this game, it is very short though and hope to see more stories such a Adam's. I think it would be great if the character could walk a little bit faster but other than that it had my attention pretty good. Maybe slow down the text at the beginning so we could read it. That would be great. But all in all, it is a game with wonderful potential. Thank you for sharing it with us

(1 edit)

hi i like this game a lot nice music nice storie and nice art. But there is a few things that could be improved or added:

- some object are too hard to take or even impossible (like the paper in the back of the chair)

- we should be able to take more things with us 

- player should walk faster

- and finally add a free camera system

(1 edit)

This game is a bit too fast with the dialogue, and I was unable to finish collecting everything in the room because a crumpled paper item seemed too close to a chair that has dialogue, so anytime I tried clicking on the paper ball, it only opened the dialogue for the chair.

I really like the concept, I just wish I could actually play it.

(1 edit)

Cute game, has great potential, but nothing really stood out to me. It feels like Unpacking, but with a more emotional aspect to the story. However, I was very confused on how to play since there were no in-game instructions. Also, the introduction went by so fast I didn't have time to read. 

Not really much else to say, but nice work nonetheless.

Edit: Okay, so I replayed it again, only this time I understood how to play. Got the more emotional ending, which w as actually quite sad. Really hoping for more, though. Games like this are pretty phenomenal.

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